The May Daily Challenge Competition
Calling all creative minds to try the new Daily Challenge game feature. Every week in May, from Monday until Sunday, we’re giving away four free promo packs, one for each category:

- Top Score- Highest average score in the Daily Challenge for the week (as shown in the Daily Challenge Weekly Rankings Leaderboard)
- Best Challenge Created – Most net upvotes for a challenge created during the week.
- Completed the Daily Challenge every day – Random drawing among all the players that completed the daily challenge every day of the week, Monday through Sunday.
- Submitted a Daily Challenge – Random drawing among all players that created a daily challenge during the week that got at least 5 upvotes.
First Off- What are Daily Challenges?
In this new free mode, you’ll play a quick, one round challenge (the Last Round) of an Evolution game with just one attempt allowed per day. Your goal is to maximize your score vs the highest scoring AI. Plus there’s a daily leaderboard for bragging rights, and a special badge for those who make the top ten scores.

Create and submit Challenges for the community to enjoy.
Add traits, choose the climate, add in promo cards, choose the opponents and their traits, you can control every aspect of your challenge.
To get started, click the “Randomize” button to randomly populate a scene.

Now, go through and make changes to create the best last round possible. Remember, the best challenges are ones those that give players options to succeed, so include a Carnivore, Defenses, Climate Protection, and Food Sources.
Once you’ve finished, test your challenge by hitting preview. Feel free to make extra changes, test it again, and once you love it, hit “Submit” to send your challenge to the user rating queue. Once submitted the challenge creator resets and you are free to create another!

Rate Other User’s Challenges
User created challenges go into a queue that will get rated by the community. Be sure to rate other players’ challenges as well under the Rate button. The best challenges will be used in the game when the challenge goes live!

Earn the new Creator Microbadge
All Creators getting 10 or more upvotes will receive the Creator Badge to show off. The top one each week, as well as one chosen at random, will receive a free Promo Pack of their choice.

The Fine Print:
No purchase is necessary to win, the Daily Challenge is free. Players do need to have an email associated with their Evolution account, so we can notify them when they win. Winners will also be announced in Discord, so alternatively you can join the Discord to win. Weeks will start on Monday, and conclude on Sunday, beginning May 1st. The monday after a week ends winners will be announced. The in-game leaderboards will be used to determine winners. We have the right to disqualify folks believed to be cheating or manipulating the results in any way.
Discuss tips on building the best challenges, how to tackle today’s challenge, and hear first about all the new features. Join the community by clicking here.